You are currently viewing 10 YOGA AND PILATES ROUTINES that are great for WEIGHT-LOSS


I have been practicing yoga and pilates for almost a decade and they provided great help for weight-loss and fitness purposes as well.

There were other very positive effects of practicing yoga and pilates my well-being, such as enhanced flexibility, lower levels of stress, building stronger core muscles, and doing something useful at home.

In this post, I will summarize the 10 YOGA AND PILATES routines that are great for weight-loss.

So you will have the chance to combine yoga and pilates in one body and mind workout. And you don’t need any equipment apart from a YOGA MAT.

I am an ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor and in my fitness workouts, I often incorporate similar workout routines under different names.

As an ACE Certified Professional your safety is extremely important to me.

If you have or had any health issues, operations, or injuries it is especially important to consult with your doctor and make sure these exercises are safe for you to do. If so, then let’s get moving 😊

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The first 5 exercises of the 10 yoga and pilates routines that are great for weight-loss are very commonly used in Pilates classes.

Due to the Pilates body and mind approach you are not supposed to do more than 5 repetitions, however, there are some cases when you can do it differently.

1.THE 100

The 100 is a great pilates routine to get started with your body and mind workout. It especially improves your core muscles and it could help you lose weight as well. The muscles of the abs, upper back, and gluts are being activated.

The next video from the Howcast channel will show you step by step how to perform this exercise correctly.

Howcast – How to Do the Pilates 100 | Abs Workout

2. Criss Cross

Criss Cross is another Pilates exercise that is great for your abs. But since it activates the obliques with the rotational movements in the trunk it helps you to establish a multiplanar workout which has very important health benefits.

To make sure you do the exercise correctly, watch the next video on Howcast’s Youtube channel.

Howcast – How to Do the Criss-Cross | Pilates Workout

I usually do 2 sets of 8 repetitions on each side from this exercise.

3. One leg circle

One leg circle is the third great routine to perform at the beginning of your workout.

By following the instructions from Amy Havens video you should feel your pelvic floor and core muscles working.

Do 5 repetitions in each direction with your left leg then do the same with the right leg.

4. Shoulder Bridge

Shoulder bridge is probably my favorite pilates routine due to its simplicity and multi-joint benefits. This exercise works your glutes, core, and hamstrings while it is also great for lower back pain by enhancing your lumbar stability.

Jessica Valant will guide you on how to perform this great routine correctly through her video.

Jessica Valant Pilates – How to do a Bridge Exercise

Repeate this exercise 5 times and pay attention to the proper alignment of the body.

5. Roll Up

The reason why I perform this exercise at this point is that it is a great way to change position afterward and it also has multiple benefits since it fires your abdominal muscles, and also improves your spine mobility.

When performing this exercise it is also crucial to control the inhale and exhale phases and keep a proper posture.  I definitely recommend you check out Howcast’s video before you start doing it. 5 REPETITIONS ARE RECOMMENDED here as well.

Howcast – How to Do a Roll Up | Pilates Workout


The next 5 poses of the 10 yoga and pilates routines that are great for weight-loss are usually very popular in yoga lessons. When you do each pose, make sure you hold them for 30 seconds.

6. Reverse Plank

After performing the last Roll Up and sitting up, it is time to do a more challenging yoga exercise, which is the Reverse Plank – Purvottanasana.

I do this exercise almost every time because again it has multiple benefits. It is great for your core strength and especially for your lower back muscles while firing the muscles of your arms, glutes, and hamstrings. Probably this is the most beneficial exercise so far for your body. Why?

  • It is a 100% multijoint exercise
  • It will release your lower back pain, which can be a serious struggle for 75-85% of Americans
  • And it won’t put great pressure on your spine, so it is a very safe routine

So let’s perform this exercise correctly, and Esther Ekhart will show you how to do it. 😊

EkhartYoga – Purvottanasana / Upward plank pose, Yoga

7. Downward Facing Dog

If you are somewhat familiar with yoga, you probably heard of the Downward Facing Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana – pose. According to the Yoga Journal, this exercise provides an all-over rejuvenating stretch, since it increases flexibility in the shoulders, hamstrings, hands, and calves.

Not to mention that it also strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs.  Despite the popularity of this routine it could be challenging to do it right like it was for me when I started doing it.

In my opinion the next video is a great introduction into this exercise routine. – Downward Dog – Downward Facing Dog Yoga Tutorial


The PLANK pose is another very popular routine that is very common in cross-fit and circuit classes as well.  Although in fitness we often perform this exercise on our forearms, at yoga sessions we do the advanced version of it, which is pressing our hand into the floor.  

During this exercise, the RIGHT posture is extremely important and that’s why I was struggling a bit to find the best video for you.

However, I think Adriene has a great video on her Youtube channel about this exercise, that you should watch.

Yoga With Adriene – Plank Pose

Besides the reverse plank, this is my other favorite exercise, since it also has multiple benefits. No wonder it is so popular! It obviously works your core and abdominal muscles but it also strengthens your chest, arms, and lower back.

Plank is another exercise that is considered to be therapeutic for lower back pain.

9. Cobra pose

Cobra pose is especially a great routine after the PLANK, because it also stretches your abdominals, besides the chest, hip joints, and the shoulders. The other great benefit of this exercise is that it improves your posture by strengthening your spine. Along with the Downward Facing Dog, the Cobra pose also helps you reduce your stress level.

Be careful because it can affect your posture if you don’t follow the right guidelines. The next video will teach you how to perform it correctly.

Yoga Journal – Cobra Pose: Home Practice

After performing this exercise you may go back to Downward Facing Dog position for 15 seconds to be able to transition to the next move.

10. Warrior I.

Warrior I is often performed after Downward Facing Dog and it is a great multijoint last exercise. It strengthens your shoulders, arms, legs, glutes, and back, while it is also beneficial for blood circulation.

Keeping the right posture, while performing this exercise could be challenging again, especially if you are trying to accomplish that on your own.

Well, again Howcast has you covered with the next video. Hold the position for 30 seconds on each side.

Howcast – How to Do a Warrior One | Yoga

So guys these are the 10 yoga and pilates routines that are great for weight-loss. I usually do them together as a body and mind workout and they are also beneficial for weight-loss purposes.

Before you get started with these exercises it is important to have a yoga mat of great quality to be able to use it for a long time. For this purpose please check out the affiliate links of my suggestions below:

Shop eKO Lite Yoga Mats at! This eco-friendly mat is available in 10+ colors with choices for thickness. Free Shipping on orders $75+!

Make sure you clean your MAT regularly.

You have the option to buy a good YOGA MAT and a YOGA MAT WASH in one purchase by clicking on the affiliate image of this YOGA Bundle product below:

Have a nice workout and stay safe!


Setting up a healthy lifestyle plan alone can be a challenge sometimes especially with a stressful and time-consuming job or business. Click on the image below to register for my free webinar about losing weight with a sedentary job!

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I am Eszter, ACE Certified Fitness Instructor and Weight Loss Coach for people with challenging work schedules or desk jobs.

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