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Dealing with Stress – Mindful Ways To Cope With Stress

Lately, I was talking about stress in general, including its definition, and common health impacts. But let’s be more positive today and discuss the 3 mindful practices when it comes to dealing with stress.

The Benefit Of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Mindfulness techniques are proven ways to effectively reduce the level of stress and one can practice them conveniently from home.

The goal of these practices is to make someone focus on the moment which will enhance the individual’s attention on behavioral self-regulation. (1.)

The 3 Mindful Strategies

The most important rule when it comes to dealing with stress mindfully is to evoke a relaxation response. For this purpose a technique has to have the following two attributes:

  1. repetition: this could be a word or a prayer
  2. maintaining a passive attitude: when a thought arises try to let it go and don’t dwell on it

The next three techniques all have these two attributes of a relaxation response.


Here we could include mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation or vipassana meditation. Here is an article about how to get started with mindfulness meditation at home.

2.Mindul Exercise

Doing a mindful exercise on a regular basis is a very healthy way of dealing with stress.

These exercises are the following: yoga, thai chi, walking, qigong and cycling.

One of my favorites is yoga because you could do it at your own pace at home and it has great health and fitness benefits too.

Here is an article about the top 10 yoga and pilates routines to improve health and fitness.

3.Breathing Techniques

Last but not least there are a few breathing techniques you should learn more about because they are great when it comes to dealing with stress effectively.

Most popular breathing exercises are:

If you want to follow any or all of the techniques which are mentioned below, the environment does matter!

Read this article to get to know how to create a great spot at home for meditation!

If you want to start doing yoga at home then you should know more about how to create your own home yoga studio, and which are the best and safest yoga mats according to the industry.


So the goal today is to introduce the importance and the types of mindful techniques when it comes to stress management or dealing with stress. This article also shared a few additional articles such as best yoga routines, how to meditate at home, and how to create a proper environment that plays an important role in stress relief.

Have a great day and stay relaxed,


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I am Eszter, ACE Certified Fitness Instructor and Weight Loss Coach for people with challenging work schedules or desk jobs.

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