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23 ACTIVITIES to do when you are bored at home

Due to Covid-19, we have to stay at home and not participate in big social gatherings which could be annoying but do not have to be as bad as you might think it might be.

In this post, I will share with you 23 activities to do when you are bored at home, so you feel more stimulated during self-isolation.

Note: This post includes affiliate links. This means we will earn a small commission if you purchase through these links, with no charge to you. Thanks for supporting the website. For further information, please read our affiliate disclaimer here.


1.Workout at home

The first activity to do when you are bored at home is actually my personal favorite since I do it every second day. And that is exercising.

Also, I make sure that I do a variety of exercises, such as fitness, yoga, and dancing. For the fitness sessions -besides my own routines – I also use the following free apps:

  • Lose Belly Fat – Flat Stomach
  • Female Fitness – Women Workout

You can also download them from Play Store or Apple Store!

If you are lacking a reliable quality of yoga mat for your body & mind workout, please check out the (affiliate) link of the YOGA MAT I personally recommend here below:

Shop eKO Lite Yoga Mats at! This eco-friendly mat is available in 10+ colors with choices for thickness. Free Shipping on orders $75+!

2. Start your weight-loss journey

If you are considering losing weight for months, but you think you do not have either the energy, time, or space to do that, the quarantine is actually a great opportunity to get started.

And why do I say that?

There are 3 main reasons:

  • Restaurants are usually not open for dining in, which means you have a great opportunity to cut fast-food from your diet
  • Staying home is a great chance to get into healthy cooking
  • You probably don’t go food shopping as often as you did before the Covid-19 epidemic, which means you eat fewer calories

I personally lost 5 pounds since the middle of March and I wasn’t planning any dieting. It came naturally.

3. Cooking healthy dinners

As I mentioned before when I was talking about weight-loss, self-isolation is a great time to get into healthy cooking.

Healthy dinners are not only great for weight-loss purposes but also help you maintain nicer skin, hair and can improve cognitive function.

As a result of these things, healthy nutrition could slow down the aging process.

A cross-sectional study from 2015 showed a positive relation between walnut consumption and brain function (1.)

4. Attend an online healthy-baking course

Eating healthy is great! But what happens if you feel like eating something sweet? How can you follow a healthy diet and also be able to eat a healthy snack?


Baking is actually something I have not mastered yet and I definitely have a lot to learn about it. But it really is worth doing especially when you are bored at home.

The University of Limerick revealed the link between unhealthy snacking and boredom (2.).

So why not combine healthy-eating, craft-learning, and pleasure by attending a class that teaches you the basics of making healthy cakes.

On the website of, there is an online course, where you can learn how to bake 10 easy healthy sugar-free desserts.


5. Clean your bathroom

Tidy home, tidy mind! There are usually things you can clean in your bathroom and what else is a better time than when you are bored at home. I find dirt in my bathroom on a daily basis.

But if you really want to be thorough then a good scrubbing definitely will improve the cleanliness of your bathroom.

Not to mention that there are always hairs to get rid of. 😊

6. Deep clean your fridge and oven

You might clean your kitchen on a regular basis, however deep cleaning the fridge and oven are often not included in this cleaning.

The situation is similar in my case.

So it could be a good time to clean out all the mess from the oven and fridge.

Additionally, getting rid of all the smelly foods that have gone bad is also an important step in cleaning the fridge.

7. Dust your furniture and get rid of unnecessary stuff

Next time before you vacuum your bedroom or livingroom make sure you dust your furniture, because it is a commonly missed chore as well.

However, before you dust your furniture it might be wise to get rid of a few items that keep the dust in your room.


8. Attend meditation sessions

Daily meditation is a great habit for your wellness that I personally started to practice regularly during the quarantine. I usually listen to meditative music while I am summarizing and thanking all the important things I am grateful for.

However, there are guided meditation sessions available online for free, such as the next video from the Boho Beautiful Channel.

Boho Beautiful- 15 Minute Guided Meditation To Find Peace in Uncertain Times

9. Get to know your astrology

Astrology is a sensitive topic when we are talking about personal development, as it is not science-based.

However, I personally do have a strong bond with astrology and esoterics, since I have learned a ton of interesting things about my personality by studying my chart. I don’t want to convince you to do the same if this is something you don’t believe in, however, if Astrology interests you, it might be worth a couple of hours to understand your chart better.

There is some great vedic astrology content online which I really liked.

First, on you can calculate your free chart if you know the exact time you were born. And then you can check out KRSchannel if you really want to understand that chart.

However, my best experience so far was with an astrologer, who uses Tropical sings from a Vedic point of view. You can check out his website here. To learn more about his services, check out his Etsy shop. Bottom line! If you want to buy an accurate reading, purchase from CelestialTrail. And I want to point that out, that there is no any affiliate business here, I just genuinely recommend him, because I was very happy with his reading although I am not always easy to satisfy 🙂

10. Read classic literature

Since we are talking about personal development now, let’s not forget about all the great literary classics that should be read while you are on this planet.

Let’s mention a few of them that are also considered to be the greatest according to the Encyclopedia Britannica:

  1. Anne Karenina
  2. One Hundred Years of Solitude
  3. Invisible Man
  4. Jane Eyre
  5. The Color Purple

11. Watch an inspirational movie

Besides books, there are also great movies that might stimulate you intellectually if you would rather watch something. On you have the opportunity to watch classic and modern movies as well by choosing the genre you want.


12. Write your own book

Do you have a story to tell or knowledge to share? Are you good with the written word? Writing a book might be a creative way for you to monetize this skill you have.

13. Get into Arts & Crafts

One of the hottest topics on Pinterest right now is home decor. So if you have a good sense for arts & crafts, this time is good for you to use that skill.

Since people are staying home they have more time to make their place nicer. So this is where your interest and expertise can come in with your arts & crafts project ideas.

However, if you just want to master this craft for fun or as a hobby now is still a great time for you to accomplish it.

14. Learn music

If you always wanted to learn how to play the piano or the guitar which you might have in your home, but you did not have the time to even touch them, then now could be the right time.

15. Attend dance classes

I can’t even sum up in my blog how many reasons I have to spend at least two hours a week dancing. Dance is not only great for your health, but also for self-expression, especially if you love music too.

Maybe it is a good idea to check out STEEZY Studio, as they teach all types of dances. You can try them out for free for 7 days.

16. Start your Blog or YouTube Channel

This is actually a very hot topic for me, especially the blog part as I am working on that right now.

Starting a blog or a youtube channel could be a very creative way to present your expertise or experience regarding a topic to the public if you like to communicate a lot. Blog and Youtube are also a great way to connect to like-minded people and make money at the same time.

17. Write a Script for your Future Movie

Writing a script and making a movie is probably one of the most creative fields which I have mentioned so far and you might have such ambitions.

Well, I am not sure that this time is the best to actually make a movie due to the lockdown, but all the movies have to be written first.

I am positive that if you have a great story to tell and you want to put it up on the screen in the future, now could be the best time for you to write the script for that.


18. Have a romantic dinner with your partner

We have talked a lot about self-expression, home cleaning, and fitness. But let’s not forget that you might be in a relationship, that also needs to be looked after.

Having a romantic dinner with your partner is a great way to bond with each other on a deeper level, be romantic, and have an uplifting conversation.

However, one suggestion I might have here. Since this is a romantic dinner it is supposed to be different, so make sure you make that difference.

Dress up nicely, maybe put on some good music and use warm lighting with candles.

Check out this 1 hour 50 minutes mix from youtube with the greatest love songs which could be a good one to put on.

19. Learn a lap dance routine to surprise your partner

After a romantic dinner, what else could be even more romantic than presenting a nice lap dance for your partner? It is sexy too, which does not hurt when we want to be romantic.

Maybe lap dancing is something you are not familiar with just yet. However, if you are interested then I definitely recommend Tatyana Marsheva’s videos. Her dance routines are inspiring, artistic, and sexy.

20. Video chat with your friends

Ok, now that we took care of our romantic life and partner, let’s not forget about our friends too. So if you are still bored at home, maybe it is time to organize a video chat on skype or zoom?


21. Listen to music

Listening to music is a hobby that I have been doing for fun since I was a kid. And it still stimulates me – when I am bored at home – the same way as when I was a teenager.

However, one suggestion I might have here: Make sure you don’t listen to it too loud. This was something I was not really paying too much attention to when I was younger and I totally experienced the downside of that.

Apart from that, I must say the popular quote:” Without music life would be a mistake”

22. Watch a great comedian or comedy

What else could be a better source of entertainment than something that makes you laugh? Especially during these times a sense of humor is something we could use more often. 

A comedy or a show from a stand-up comedian are all great sources of humor. I personally love the stand-up shows and the comedy of Ricky Gervais. I just can’t stop laughing when I’m watching him.  

However, if Ricky Gervais is not your cup of tea, you can find a lot of stand-up shows and funny comedies on

23.Watch an uplifting TV show

Another thing that often entertains me and many people when we are bored at home is a good TV show and Netflix again is a good source for them.

So these are my 23 tips regarding how to spend quality time when you are bored at home.

I hope it helps.

Stay safe at home,


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I am Eszter, ACE Certified Fitness Instructor and Weight Loss Coach for people with challenging work schedules or desk jobs.

This Post Has 7 Comments

    1. Eszter

      For sure 🙂 Thanks for the comment

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