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Drink Water The Right Way- Follow these 3 steps to satisfy the No 1 Weight Loss Rule

Drinking water is one of the most important steps for healthy weight-loss and probably the most important starting point to get rid of cellulite. However, it might be challenging for you to take care of your daily water intake level, especially if you are busy. Today I will share with you the 3 steps to drink water the right way and get fit in a healthy way.


The first step regarding how to drink water the right way will discuss the biggest question which is: HOW MUCH WATER SHOULD YOU DRINK EVERY DAY?

Well, if you are just getting into the water drinking habit the easiest way for you to go is to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

However, if you want to be precise you should take a few factors into accounts, such as weight, exercise level, and the environment you live in.

If you are staying in a place where the weather is hot and dry or a tropical environment you need to drink more water to refill the fluids lost by excessive sweating.

If you want to know exactly the amount of water you should consume on a daily basis I recommend you click here.

However, if you want to get started with this important habit and you don’t have the time and energy to follow a complicated program then drinking 8-9 glasses of water a day is the way to go and you can’t go wrong.

Make sure you drink 2-3 glasses of water more than that if you exercise.

Now you are probably asking yourself WHAT IS THE EASIEST ROUTINE TO FOLLOW in order to make sure YOU DRINK a SUFFICIENT amount of WATER if you are busy and don’t have time to go to the kitchen 9 times a day.

The important thing to remember is that there are certain parts of the day when you should definitely take into account in order to drink water the right way. Let’s discuss that…


So let’s say you have to drink at least 8 glasses of water, but there is no way that you are able to drink more than 1 glass of water in 2 hours. What are you going to do then?

Firstly, it is important to know that there are certain parts of the day when drinking water is very important for global health and fitness:

  • 1 glass of water with lemon when you wake up
  • 1 glass of water 30 minutes before and after a meal
  • 1 glass of water during a meal

So if you eat three meals a day and take care of your fluid intake as it was described above you end up drinking 10 glasses of water a day:

  • 1 glass in the morning
  • 3 glasses during the 3 meals
  • 3 glasses 30 minutes before each meal
  • 3 glasses 30 minutes after each meal

The amazing thing is that with this drinking routine you will actually drink 10 glasses instead of the 8-9 glasses, which is great. If you do an exercise you need to drink at least an additional glass of water during the exercise period every 10 minutes.

It’s great if you understand this daily routine, but what happens if

  • You forget to go to the kitchen 30 minutes before your meal because you are too busy?
  • You only have two meals a day?


If you only eat twice a day or you are very busy you might want to use a half liter (16.9 ounces) water bottle instead of a glass.

Note, that in order to drink the sufficient amount of water you should be drinking 4 bottles of water a day.

In this case you can follow this routine if you work at home:

  1. After you fill up your bottle with lemon water and drink half then fill the whole bottle up again
  2. Make sure you drink the whole bottle 30 minutes before your first meal
  3. Before you get started with your meal fill up the bottle again and drink half of the bottle while you are eating.
  4. When you are finished with the meal you have a half bottle of water left. You should fill the whole bottle up again and go to work.


  • Drink half the bottle 30 minutes before the next meal
  • Before you get started with your meal fill up the whole bottle again and drink half of the bottle while you are eating.
  • When you finish with the meal you have half a bottle of water so fill the whole bottle up again.


  • Drink half of the bottle 30 minutes after the meal.

At this point let’s say it is 4 pm and you have 2 options:


  • You drink the other half of the bottle until 6:30 pm
  • At 6:30 pm you fill up your bottle one more time and make sure you drink half of the bottle by the time you go to bed
  • By the end of the day you end up drinking 4.5 bottles of water and you reached your daily goal.


  • At 4:30 you drink half of the bottle and fill it up totally before your 30 minutes of HIIT or YOGALATES exercise.
  • During the exercise, you are supposed to drink the whole bottle. Make sure you drink 25% of the bottle every five minutes
  • At 7 pm you fill the bottle up for the last time and before going to sleep make sure you drink half of the bottle
  • By the end of the day, you will drink 5 bottles of water which is a good result even if you are exercising.

So this is my detailed 3 step plan to drink water the right way. I hope it was very helpful for you.

If you have any medical conditions make sure you consult with your doctor for advice to determine the right water intake for you.

Setting up a healthy eating plan alone can be a challenge sometimes especially with a stressful and time-consuming job or business. Click on the image below to register for my free webinar about losing weight with a sedentary job!

Stay safe and healthy,


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I am Eszter, ACE Certified Fitness Instructor and Weight Loss Coach for people with challenging work schedules or desk jobs.

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