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Weight Loss in Women: 8 Tips and Strategies for a Healthier You




Jennifer Mc Gregor writes blog content in the area of health and wellness. Check out her website here.

According to the CDC, 73.6% of adults are overweight or obese. That statistic is concerning considering that being overweight can lead to many health problems, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, gallbladder disease, and more.

Nonetheless, losing weight is one of the hardest things you can do in life. Not only is there lots of conflicting information on how to do it, but shedding pounds can be especially difficult if you’re a woman. Below, Wellness With Eszter explains why and provides practical tips for attaining a healthy weight as a woman.

How Women Differ from Men in Weight Loss   

Men and women deal with hormones differently. They have different amounts of body fat, and they store fat in different areas of the body. In other words, men and women are different in losing weight.


In short, hormones are chemicals that control most of the critical functions in your body. Estrogen is an essential hormone for women, and it is why women tend to have larger fat stores. On the other hand, testosterone is the most crucial hormone for men, and it typically promotes increased muscle mass.

Body Fat

Most men have more lean muscle tissue than women, while most women have more body fat. The average body fat for women is 18-20%, and men typically have 10-15%. Muscle tissue burns more calories, which is why men often lose more weight when they work out (and even when resting).

Fat Storage

The ability to lose weight is also included in how men and women store fat in their bodies. In most cases, women store fat in their buttocks, thighs, and hips. Men usually hold it in their abdomen. Thus, reducing fat in these specific areas can be more difficult for women.

7 Simple Ways to Lose Weight

You may need to work hard at losing weight, but your focus should be to work smart. There is no shortage of fad diets and exercise methods that could pose a danger to your health. The good news is that there are also many simple, healthy ways that you can start losing weight today!

1. Improving Your Living Environment     

Your home is an excellent place to start. Think of ways to encourage health in your living environment. Maybe you can clean and declutter each space, change the lighting, and add houseplants to lower stress and boost energy.

Also, consider ridding your fridge of all unhealthy foods and replacing them with nutritionally balanced foods and filtered water. While you’re at it, create a space in your home where you can exercise, spend alone time, or meditate.

2. Moving Your Body     

Study after study has shown that regular exercise can help women lose weight fast. It’s a simple concept: When you run, lift weights, or perform other intense movements, you prevent your metabolism from slowing down and you burn calories. It also helps you build lean muscle and benefits your overall health and wellbeing.

The key is to find activities that you can realistically fit into your lifestyle and schedule. Don’t set yourself up for failure by committing to a type of exercise that you hate or that will be too difficult to maintain.

Creating a workout space at home could be a great way to ensure that you stick to your routine. But if you are unsure where to start, consider finding a personal trainer in your area who can start you on a program that accommodates your life and helps you achieve your goals.

3. Promoting a Healthy Gut

Gut bacteria play a critical role in weight management, and they function differently in each individual’s body. For instance, you might receive more fat deposition from your gut bacteria than someone else who eats the same types and amounts of food.

That is nature, and it is not something you can change. However, adding more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to your diet can help you maintain a balance.

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4. Limiting Refined Carbs

If you want to lose weight fast, cut down on carbohydrate-rich foods. Ditching the bread, chips, and pasta can go a long way in helping you shed pounds and feel more energized throughout the day. Focus on eating lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Not only will you feel less hungry, but you will also take in fewer calories.

5. Drinking More Water

Not only is hydration essential for overall health and many factors that contribute to weight loss (like digestion and muscle function), but it is a natural appetite suppressant.

Drinking more water throughout the day and during meals can help your stomach feel more full. Plus, water helps you burn more calories and eliminates waste from your body. Up your water intake, and it will help you burn fat.

6. Reducing Stress

Stress contributes to weight gain and can keep you from dropping pounds. Look for ways to relax and destress each day.

Maybe you could pick up a novel, take a long bath, or start a hobby that helps you unwind from your daily obligations. Whatever activity you choose needs to lower your stress levels and enrich your life.

7. Keeping Track

Finally, when you start setting weight loss goals, track your progress along the way. Write down what you are eating, the types of workouts you are doing, and the frequency and duration of your workouts. The easiest way to do this is to keep a journal to log your progress each day.

Few things are more challenging than losing weight, especially if you’re a woman. Consider the differences between men and women as you make a plan to shed pounds. And start implementing the simple methods above today. You might be surprised by how quickly you see results!

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Creating a Healthy Lifestyle Plan by yourself can be a real challenge especially with a time consuming job or business. Click on the image below to register for my free webinar about losing weight with a sedentary job!


I am Eszter, ACE Certified Fitness Instructor and Weight Loss Coach for people with challenging work schedules or desk jobs.

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