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The 8 best bodyweight exercises for large-busted women

Last time I was discussing the best workouts you could do with large breasts. Today I want to focus on the best bodyweight exercises that large-busted women could easily accomplish at home. However, before I introduce the 8 best bodyweight exercises for large-busted women, let me share with you the most important exercise guidelines you should follow when you’re doing these routines at home.

How To Do These Exercises

According to the American College Of Sports Medicine the following guidelines you should follow when you are doing the next 10 at-home bodyweight fitness routines!

  • Do 2-3 sets
  • And do between 8 to 12 repetitions from each exercises

Besides the guidelines I also would like to emphasize the following:

  • having a 1-minute break between each sets 
  • If you are just getting started maybee do only 2 sets with 8 to 10 reps and as you gradually improve then do 3 sets with 8 to 10 repetitions and later on 10 to 12 reps.

What are these exercises

Make sure to warm up first and afterwards let’s get into the 10 best bodyweight exercises.


The squat is the first exercise that is essential for body function, it improves your leg muscles and it is also a great big-busted bodyweight exercise option.

Make sure you keep your head and back straight and imagine a chair below you as you are sitting in the squat. A chair is actually a great idea to use if you are just getting started with the squat. Do 8 repetitions when you start out and when you are doing 3 sets gradually increase the 8 reps to 10.

Read this article to read more about how to do the squat the right way!

2.Lunge To Kick

You can continue your bodyweight workout at home with a few lunge-to-kicks. Lunge works your quadriceps and your gluteus muscles as well.

Since it works on your primary muscles this routine could be a great part of your cardio workout as well.

First, do the lunge then kick with your lower leg. Then repeat the same movement with your other leg. Do 8 repetitions on each side and when you are doing 3 sets after a few months gradually increase the 8 repetitions to 10

A straight posture and deepening your leg until your calf is parallel with the ground is important.

Read this article to read more about how to do the lunge correctly!

3.Dead Bug

Dead Bug is a great abdominal exercise that works your lower abs as well. Make sure you keep your whole back on the ground. Don’t let your waist move away from the ground.

Do 8 repetitions on each side and when you are doing 3 sets after a few months gradually increase the 8 repetitions to 10. 


The bridge is another essential exercise that strengthens your glutes, your core muscles and it is extremely simple to do with large breasts as well.

Do 8 repetitions when you start out and when you are doing 3 sets gradually increase the reps to 10 and then two weeks later to 12.

5. Hands Elevated Push Ups

Push Up is a very recommended primary exercise of functional fitness. The only difference, in this case, is that you should do that by placing your hands on an elevated surface, such as I did in the picture below. The number of repetitions goes the same way as the cases of previous exercises.

Read this article to get to know how to do a right push-up on the ground!

6. Hands Elevated Mountain Climber

Staying on the elevated surface you should also perform a mountain climber which is an amazing core and leg exercise. Mountain Climber could be a great part of a low-impact HIIT as well.

In the case of a mountain climber, you quickly bring your bent leg close to your chest one by one.

Do this exercise for 30 seconds in the beginning and when you are doing 3 sets for at least two weeks you can increase the length from 30 seconds to one minute gradually.

7. Bicycle crunches

The reason why I would recommend bicycle crunches is that rotational movements are a huge part of our lives and they are included in the 5 daily activities of living. The bicycle crunch is an exercise that involves rotational movement and it is also a very effective ab routine.

Do this exercise 8 times on each side and when you are doing the 3 sets then gradually you can raise the repetitions to 10 on each side.

8. Leg Raises With Squat

In this case, you do exercise number 1, but after each squat, you raise your leg on the side. After the next squat, you raise your other leg on the side.

So this was my 8 favorite bodyweight exercises for large-busted women! Make sure you cool-down properly after this bodyweight routine!

Enjoy your workout,



I am Eszter, ACE Certified Fitness Instructor and Weight Loss Coach for people with challenging work schedules or desk jobs.

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