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How To adapt a Slower European Lifestyle For Your Mental and Physical Health

People often fantasise about a European lifestyle, known to be very relaxing, family orientated, nourishing to the body and overall positive for your mental and physical health. We’re here to discuss a few of the different things you can incorporate into your lifestyle to help replicate it!

In Europe, particularly in France, Italy and Spain, a huge part of the culture is making a big deal out of meal times, utilising it as an opportunity to eat and connect with friends or family. Rather than it being a chore, it’s common for European people to eat with friends or family most nights of the week, catching up over delicious food and a bottle of wine. This doesn’t need to be expensive food, it can be at one of your houses, with simple things like breads, dips, cheese and cured meats, the ultimate sharing foods. So, if you’re wanting to connect more with people, especially throughout the working week, aim to spend at least one or two evenings of the week eating with friends. If you’re in a new place and wanting to meet people, you could look to join a food club where people try out new restaurants, so you’re enjoying good food and good company!

Another thing you can do to embrace the European lifestyle is to spend more time outdoors. Whether it’s a walk, meeting friends in the park or eating outside with friends (a good way to combine this with our ideas above), being outside can not only help you to gain clarity mentally but it also helps physically, as vitamin D is so important for our body. When you’re outdoors it also often encourages a form of physical activity, whether it’s a walk or outdoor yoga, so this is further helping your physical health. Being outdoors or in nature can help with so many things and just brings joy, so incorporate a few outdoor activities into your routine and see the difference.

A big part of many European cultures is establishing a strong work-life balance. Particularly in the US, but also in the UK, work is a huge part of life, often with everything else taking a backseat. However, in Europe, people very rarely work outside of their contracted hours, and evenings and weekends are dedicated to you and spending time with the people you love and self improvement. As a result, stress is much lower and people are able to feel much more fulfilled within their jobs. So, if work brings a significant amount of stress to you, you should try to establish a better balance.

This might be speaking to your workplace about minimising the work that needs doing outside of your contracted hours or if it’s more your own issue of not being able to switch off, putting some boundaries in place. Things like leaving your work phone at the office, working in a separate room to where you spend the evening if you work from home, going to the gym or for a walk straight after work and changing out of your work clothes and putting on athleisure, can all have a positive impact in helping you to switch off.

Another big part of the European lifestyle is eating whole foods, often considered as the “Mediterranean diet”. Eating more whole foods that haven’t been processed, like fresh fruit and veg, grains, lean protein sources, nuts and seeds not only makes you feel great but it fuels your body with everything it needs. Diets rich in these foods, along with better oils like extra virgin olive oil compared to vegetable oil, are extremely common in Europe, helping people to live long and happy lives. Healthy and nutritious food can taste incredible, shown by the stunning food across Europe. So, try to incorporate mostly whole foods into your diet, with everything in moderation of course, to feel both mental and physical benefits.

Final Thoughts

Whilst you may not be a few minutes walk from a beach or have consistent sunny weather to enjoy in the summer, we’re sure that by incorporating a few of these things inspired by the European lifestyle, you’ll feel revitalised and see life through a new lens.

In order to experience adapt a more relaxing lifestyle that nourishes your body and mind you can make an impactful change by working with a wellness coach and fitness trainer. Learn more how Eszter from can help you take actions.


I am Eszter, ACE Certified Fitness Instructor and Weight Loss Coach for people with challenging work schedules or desk jobs.

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