It is important to include low-carb foods if you want to lose weight and build lean muscles especially after 30.
I am talking about foods that are high in protein, because consuming enough protein will
- lower hunger
- increase lean muscle mass
- promote the health of your bones.
Today let me introduce to you the list of 8 delicious low-carb foods that are also responsible for building lean muscles for females. This list was made especially for non-vegetarians, but if you are a vegetarian or vegan then read my protein part 2 post here.
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As an ACE Certified Professional, your safety is extremely important to me. If you have or have had any health issues, operations, or injuries it is especially important to consult with your doctor and make sure all the tips mentioned within this post are healthy for you to do.
Beef is high on the list of low-carb foods because apart from the fact it has zero carbs it is also rich in
*Vitamin B, which is responsible for the growth of red blood cells, better brain function, and the toned muscles (1.)
* Minerals, like iron, which is known to play a big role in the proper function of hemoglobin (2.)

A study showed that those people who consumed lean red meat such as beef, lamb, or pork, along with doing regular strength training, benefited from a greater amount of lean tissue mass (3.).
Chicken breast should be in your low-carb foods list if you are non-vegetarian because it is not only a great source of high-protein but also budget-friendly.
Let’s look at the numbers! 140g diced chicken breast includes 0% carbs, which is already great, and 43.4g of protein which is considered high. And finally, this 140g chicken breast has 231 calories which are not high if you are looking at the protein number. (4.)
This food has a few remarkable vitamins and minerals that must not be forgotten, such as Vitamin B6, which is great for proper hemoglobin function, niacin, and selenium. Selenium is great for women to boost their immune system and to protect healthy cells.
SALMON has already been mentioned when there was a discussion about anti-aging foods thanks to its omega-3 fatty acids. But guess what! It is also a delicious source of high-protein, especially if you are a seafood fan. One serving –198g– includes 39.3g of protein which is a good amount. Salmon also contains Vitamin B. (5.)
If you want to protect your red blood cells and you prefer fish, salmon could be your choice. The only downside is that salmon is not as budget-friendly as chicken breast. However, you can still spend no more than 15 bucks for 2-3 salmon meals per week.
If you want to eat more budget-friendly seafood then tuna might be a better choice for you. First of all, it contains a little more protein (20g instead of 17g) and tuna is also rich in omega 3 fatty acids (6.).

Tuna also includes Vitamin A, which supports the health of the bones and the immune system. Tuna is rich in Vitamin B which the benefit I discussed earlier.
If you don’t eat fish or meat beans are a great source of protein. Black, pinto, and kidney beans are popular because one cup of the cooked version of these beans includes 15g protein. However, when it comes to low-carb foods I would recommend eating green beans.

One cup of cooked green beans just includes 8g carb, which is about 7%.
Apart from that they are rich in
- fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and weight loss
- Vitamin C which is great for the skin,
- Vitamin K, which is necessary for healthy bones (7.)
- Magnesium and Potassium which is responsible for healthy blood pressure.
Half a cup (172g) of almonds has 16g protein which is rich in Vitamin E and is an antioxidant that promotes the health of your cells. Almond is also a great source of healthy monounsaturated fat and is a great part of your keto diet if you are vegan.
The reason why I have to mention greek yogurt, is because I have seen it on the top of the healthy food lists.
The reason why greek yogurt might be more beneficial than the other yogurts is that its protein amount is twice as much (23g in 245g instead of 12.1g) as the other type of yogurts.
Since greek yogurt is a delicious snack with a high level of protein it is a great choice as a post-workout snack within 30 minutes after your strength session.

Additionally, GREEK YOGURT is a great source of Vitamin B6 and B12, Potassium, and zinc, which is essential for skin health (8.)
Finally, let’s mention a great fruit that ticks the protein box. Strawberries are one of the lowest-carb and most nutrient-rich fruit you can eat. They only include 8% carbohydrate (8g of 100g), which is considered low for a fruit, and they are high in Vitamin C and antioxidants as well.
So if you make a tasty detox drink strawberries are your go-to.
This was the summary of 8 low-carb foods that also promote weight loss and build lean muscles.
Purchasing this list of great low-carb foods is just one side of the coin because you might want to prepare them as a nice meal. For example, you can cook a delicious creme soup or a chicken or beef stew by using these ingredients. For this purpose, I recommend checking out the set from the Abbio Cookware Collection and Abbio has a few great recipes as well on their blog.
Stay safe and healthy,
Setting up a healthy eating plan alone can be a challenge sometimes especially with a stressful and time-consuming job or business. Click on the image below to register for my free webinar about losing weight with a sedentary job!
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