December is the time of Christmas and giving gifts to our loved ones. However, on the other hand, there is an even more meaningful purpose for this month. That is to evaluate the year behind us. Self-evaluation is necessary to grow in life and to constantly become a better version of ourselves. Besides, it is also important to remember what are our values help us make this world better, and who the people are that support us for better or worse. That is why I call this month DIVINE DECEMBER.
Let’s see what things we need to do to make the best of the last month in order to experience a DIVINE DECEMBER IN 2020!
Using social media to showcase your expertise or to share your thoughts on important issues is a great idea. However, I do realize we often use social media for purposes that don’t really help us, but rather mislead us.
For example:
- sometimes we just post certain things to get more likes and to feel more appreciated by other people,
- sometimes we use social media to compare ourselves to other people which could be misleading because we don’t really know what the life of that other person really looks like.
So thinking about the fact that social media is often used for seeking confirmation from the outside world, you should think about the fact that in order to grow you really should search for values within. With that said use this month wisely, take a look inside yourself at who you are and try to stay away from social media to make things happen.
Studies reveal that social media can impact the mental health of people by triggering anxiety and depression (1.). It was not recommended to quit social media, but the frequency and length of using it are what really matters.
In order to be able to take a deep breath and look at yourself, I highly recommend getting started with regular meditation. I usually spend 5 minutes every afternoon in a laying down position, taking long breaths and just concentrating on my breathing. However, if you want to get to focus more on things you will need to do a lengthy meditation, then click here!
You can consume wisdom by just following the previous two steps and being introspective. However, there very valuable things that are created by other people that can help you grow and experience a Divine December. These things could be:
- inspirational movies, such as The Bucket List, The Pursuit Of Happiness, or the Peaceful Warrior, which is actually a personal favorite.
- uplifting books which could be a personal development book such as the How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, or a piece of fine literature, such as the Master and Margarita from Mihail Bulgakov.

- or you could watch documentaries and real life stories of people who you can learn from. Netflix has a collection of these.
By now you might want to take a good look at 2020 in order to evaluate it properly. Here I would recommend doing two things:
- Take a look at the plans and wishes you made in December last year and evaluate how well you have done in terms of taking action on your plans and wishes.
- And more importantly, even if you did not make plans in 2019, think about and write down three things that happened to you, or you did this year that you are really proud of. Also, think about 3 things that you could have done better.
The next two tips will be about being thankful. One way to look at it – if you are struggling to find things to be happy for – is to think about three things that you don’t have or you are not suffering from.
This could be anything such as the world is not at war, you are not homeless or you don’t have a bad disease.
The reason why I say that is because when I am struggling to be grateful for things, sometimes I just start to think about big concerns that I don’t have, and that immediately helps me to appreciate what I do have.

And with that said it is important to appreciate what you do have.
By now you have at least three ideas why you should be thankful, such as:
- being healthy,
- being able to spend this month with the love of your life,
- being able to walk.
A big reason why you should evaulate the past is to create an even better future.
By now, since you are aware of the ups and downs of your last year, you might have an idea regarding what you really want in terms of living the best life you can imagine.
Think about and write down things you want your ideal day to look like. That could be a significant help when it comes to creating a future that you are satisfied with.
The ideal day practice is really a great way to give you an idea of who you really are and what makes you feel good. In creating your ideal day or week it is important to have future plans in mind. How do you see yourself in 3 to 5 years?
After seeing yourself in 3 to 5 years, you should think about what you should be doing in the next year to get closer to those hopes you have in mind for the future.
Draw up 3 plans that you want to fulfill in 2021 in order to fulfill the long-term plans as well. Besides writing these few plans down, think about what you have to do every week to satisfy your needs for 2021.
In order to have a Divine December I find that important to assess the relationship you have with the people around you. According to my experience there are four groups of people in terms of relationships:
- friends, who are very close and who I can count on no matter what,
- acquantainces, who I spend time with but I don’t feel I can be truly myself around them, or totally count on them no matter what,
- people I know I should not spend time with: these are the people who bring me down if I was going to spend time with them,
- people I don’t know (you obviously don’t have to write them down 😊 )
Making these categories and thinking about the people around you accordingly, could really give you an idea as to where they stand.

After the previous step, you probably are 100% clear who your close friends are. Use this month to spend time with them and tell them that they mean a lot to you.
The situation is the same as your family or your partner.
It is great to be isolated sometimes, however, remember and pay attention to the people who are important to you will play a huge part in your life. They are the ones who will be there for you regardless of what your circumstances are.
Although it is great to be health-conscious, be fit, and have great shape, try to take a break from constantly tracking your calories and working out vigorously this month.
I am not saying to start eating cakes and chips, or not to look after your health and fitness at all!
However, just try to move your focus to the previously mentioned tips to have a successful and uplifting 2021.
The more uplifting life you live the less stress you will experience, which will eventually support your weight-loss or fitness journey as well. Don’t forget that stress can be an obstacle when it comes to weight-loss. So don’t worry about your figure, if you happen to put on a couple of pounds, you have a whole year ahead to work on that.
So these are my comments regarding what I would recommend doing to experience a DIVINE DECEMBER in 2020.
With that said have a great and Divine December,
Stay safe,
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