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How to lose weight after you hit 25 – 8 scientific tips

Although over the age of 30 is when weight-loss really becomes challenging, but even that could be challenging sometimes to figure out how to lose weight after you hit 25.

I am a certified group fitness instructor and personal trainer from Europe.

I have years of personal experience with the challenges of weight-loss or maintaining a fit body.

With the next 8 tips, I want to help you how to lose weight after you hit 25 and also to get ready to maintain a fit body by the time you hit 30.

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1. Drink more water

It is not a coincidence that drinking water is the number one tip on my list. Without water, neither nature nor our diet would exist. There are a number of scientific reasons why water is a key element regarding the matter of how to lose weight after you hit 25.

According to Johns Hopkins University and the Medical News Today the main weight-loss benefits of drinking water are the following:
Reduced calorie intake

Drinking water decreases the calorie intake through its suppressing effect on your appetite.

There is scientific proof that drinking water right before your meal will actually decrease your food intake.

And I can confirm this from my experience!

When I paid attention to the proper water intake before having a meal my appetite significantly dropped.

Removing body waste

The more hydrated you are the easier it is for your system to get rid of the damaging waste in the form of urine. This is really important as waste may add a few extra pounds.

Not to mention that drinking water is essential for your kidney by delivering important nutrients through blood-flowing.


Helps during exercise

Through the distribution of important minerals – such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium – muscle-contraction will be triggered which is vital for a workout.

Dehydration prevents the protein from working which is a big obstacle to building muscle.

Without building muscles you won’t be successful with weight-loss.

Burning more fat

Through the metabolization of stored fat and carbohydrates, you are able to burn fat by drinking water. The process of burning fat for energy is called lipolysis.

However, this was only examined in an animal study that was published in Frontiers Nutrition in 2016.

According to this research, water increased cell volume, which actually can help with fat metabolism.

2. Cut back sugar and refined carbs

I have never seen any content about weight loss that did not mention minimizing the amount of sugar and refined carbs such as white bread, white rice, and any products made from white flour that you consume.

Since consuming only minimal amounts of sugar by your thirties is required, it is never too early to start this habit.

The reason why cutting sugar and refined carbs are very important is that one of the major rules for weight-loss is to burn more calories than you consume.

Sugar and refined carbs contain a lot of calories but do not add any major vitamins to your system.

Since your body is lacking major nutrients it is no surprise that eating a lot of sugar and carbs will make you hungry much more often.

Because of hunger, you will end up eating more which could lead you to gain weight!

The next video from ”The List” Youtube channel describes why you should avoid sugar!

The List -What Happens To Your Body When You Cut Out Sugar

3. Exercise regularly

Many healthy lifestyle blogs emphasize the importance of healthy eating while the significance of exercising is often underestimated.

However doing regular workouts is not only important for weight loss purposes, but also for the activities of daily living.

 If you are a female and are preparing for your pregnancy the fact that you exercised regularly will be a major plus when you are in labor.

Exercise and healthy nutrition come together when we are talking about weight-loss!

When you are figuring out how to lose weight after you hit 25 it is important to start to get used to a lifestyle-routine that incorporates workouts as well.

It does not have to be a fitness routine that requires going to the gym.

For example, if you always wanted to learn dancing but you have been too busy, maybe this is the time to attend salsa or pole-dance classes twice a week.

The next video is a great example by Sandrine Riviere Pole Dance Reunion of how to combine these two routines.

Sandrine Riviere Pole Dance Reunion – Pole dance et Salsa

Attending these dance classes could be a great journey for you to involve a regular workout in your weekly routine as well as to learn how to dance.

4. Start to cut out processed foods

There are many reasons why I would cut back processed foods as much as I possibly can.


Regarding your weight loss it also will be a very important move.

Processed foods usually include a lot of sugar and refined carbs which we already know you don’t need.

Since processed foods are often lacking nutrients, cutting them will slow down aging because your skin, hair, and brain function will improve.

I personally cannot brag enough about how my fitness improved when I cut processed foods completely out of my diet. I’ve had skin rashes disappear and also lost belly fat.


5. Lifestyle change instead of focusing on dieting

If you are trying to accomplish such changes like cutting back sugar, refined carbs, or processed foods you have to think in the long run.

Changing your lifestyle is a long-term process, while dieting is a systemized and temporary routine.

Not to mention that if you are focusing only on dieting when it finishes then what is going to happen?

Unfortunately what often happens is that people go back to the same routine that they had before and they end up gaining the weight back.

This activity is called Yo-yo effect.

I have PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with the yo-yo effect and trust me it was as frustrating as it seems.

6. Math does matter – Watch the calorie intake and outtake!

At the end of the day, math has to make sense. You must burn more calories than you consume!

If you are following the previous steps you will be able to accomplish this step without any barriers.

The American Council on Exercise published a calculator on their website where you can calculate your daily caloric needs.

However, for weight–loss purposes cutting your recommended calorie level by 500 calories per day is highly suggested.

7. Get enough sleep

In 2016 a study investigated the effects of a reduction in total sleep on energy balance based on 11 studies that included data of 172 people (1.)

According to the research, those people who slept 7 to 12 hours a night consumed 385 fewer calories than those who had to restrict their hours of sleep to between 3.5 and 5.5 hours.

Another study from 2008 analyzed the short sleep duration and obesity among 634,511 children and adults (2).

In the case of children, there was an 89% increased risk of obesity and among adults, there was a 55% increased risk of obesity due to the lack of sleep.

A study about sleep-deprived people who experienced increased appetite due to poor sleep showed that short sleep reduced leptin and elevated ghrelin in the case of those participants who slept less than 7-8 hours (3.).

The differences in the level of these hunger-hormones is likely to increase appetite.

The common standard is to sleep at least 7-8 hours in order to be healthy and lose weight.

8. Release stress

Just like poor sleep stress can also cause an increase in appetite which will result in gaining weight.

According to scientific results, a higher appetite is caused by the rise of your cortisol-level. The bottom line of the story is through the increased level of this hormone your insulin level may rise which will lead to lower blood sugar and then the need for sugary foods.


Talking from my experience I can only confirm that stress definitely won’t help you to accomplish a healthy lifestyle for weight loss or for any other purposes.

It is also true that experiencing stress is not always bad in every case.

According to Amy Morin, LCSW, a positive type of stress, which is often called eustress keeps you excited in life.

However, chronic stress is the one you don’t want in your life.

Chronic stress occurs when you repeatedly experience stress, for example, because of a job.

I personally have experienced the downsides of a stressful job and in my case overeating definitely came with it.


On there is an article that is reviewed by a medical professional that summarizes the 10 relaxation techniques in order to reduce your stress level. I recommend you check that out.

So guys, I hope these 8 tips gave you the answer regarding how to lose weight after you hit 25.

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Setting up a healthy lifestyle plan alone can be a challenge sometimes especially with a stressful and time-consuming job or business. Click on the image below to register for my free webinar about losing weight with a sedentary job!

Stay safe and healthy,


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I am Eszter, ACE Certified Fitness Instructor and Weight Loss Coach for people with challenging work schedules or desk jobs.

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