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6 Simple Ways to Look and Feel Your Absolute Best

While your appearance doesn’t define your worth, research shows that how you look has a big part in your self-esteem. In fact, a study by Allure shows that 67% of people care about how they look. But at Wellness with Eszter, we’re big proponents of feeling as good as we look. After all, the better our physical, mental and emotional health, the better our confidence. So, ready to look and feel your absolute best? Keep reading for the 6 simple ways to look and feel your best.

1. Smile – As Much as You Can

Smiling – so simple, but so effective! Smiling can enhance your mental health by boosting feelings of well-being, happiness, and contentment. In addition, those who smile often are also perceived as more attractive. When you prioritize smiling, you will see an improved mood and attitude. How can you do this? When you feel a small smile or laugh coming on, make a conscious effort to complete the gesture and just smile all the way. It may feel forced at first, but it will help you get back into smiling as you did when you were a child!

2. Revamp Your Wardrobe

Your clothes and wardrobe reveal much about you and what you represent as an individual. Not only is clothing external in that it helps people understand you, but it is also internal in that it impacts your self-esteem. It might be time for a revamp if your wardrobe is full of old, ill-fitting clothes that don’t make you excited to get dressed in the morning. When shopping for new clothes, prioritize items that make you feel stylish yet comfortable. Fit and cut will also be critical, as even a plain item can look extremely well-styled when it fits you like a glove. And purchasing a new wardrobe doesn’t have to be super expensive! You can mix up your pieces by getting some secondhand, vintage, or from the thrift store. This will also help you explore new looks and push your fashion boundaries. 

3. Exercise Your Way to Health

Whether you enjoy working out or not, one thing is sure: it can help you feel and look your best! Working out releases endorphins, the happy hormone that helps you feel good after a run or HIIT session. In addition, it can be immensely satisfying to get through a workout you were dreading or when you prioritize yourself enough to take care of your body. In addition, the health benefits of working out are unparalleled. You will tone and lengthen your body and work out muscles that contribute to your internal organs, processes, and overall longevity. When it comes to exercise, the key is to find something you enjoy. After all, life is too short to feel anxious whenever you need to work out! Our biggest suggestion is to try everything to find your favorite form of movement. Spin, yoga, barre, running, surfing, paddleboarding… it’s all worth a try if it makes you feel good at the end! Once you’ve found a couple of workout options you enjoy, you can try to see how you can use the activity to further your health goals. Speaking to a wellness and weight loss coach can also help you clarify how to use movement to achieve your health goals. 

4. Get Mental Health Support

Suppose you’re suffering from mental health issues. In that case, your feelings of anxiety, stress, or depression can transcend all other aspects of life. Getting guidance for your mental health is best to prevent burnout and getting overwhelmed down the line. However, mental health services can be notoriously inaccessible and cost-prohibitive. Virtual therapy is a good option to consider if this is the case for you. Online therapy is secure, private, and less committed than in-person sessions. You will also be able to choose from a broader range of licensed professionals, save travel time and pay less for mental healthcare overall. Some therapists also offer free consultations to ensure you are well suited, which can also be highly beneficial. 

5. Find Your Signature Perfume

You may think a perfume can’t do much for your looks, but a beautiful fragrance is a gateway to feeling good! An attractive, sensual, or unique scent can reveal much about your personality. When you smell good, you may have strangers stopping you on the street to ask you what perfume you’re wearing – this is one of the biggest ego boosts out there! If you’re confused about where to start, check out this guide by Fashion Magazine on finding your signature scent. Once you’ve played around with a few options, spritz your neck and hair a few times to get those heads turning

6. Start a New Hobby

Hobbies are what we used to love as kids, but somehow as we age, we stop pursuing them quite as vigorously. However, hobbies are essential for every individual trying to work on themselves. When you follow an interest, you are taking care of your mental stimulation and keeping yourself happy and engaged. In addition, if an activity is a hobby, chances are that you are delighted partaking in it! When you feel comfortable, you feel naturally confident, which can help you feel better about yourself. From knitting and reading to adventure sports and skateboarding, there are hobbies for every interest and skillet imaginable. Pursuing a hobby can also be an excellent way to meet like-minded people who will contribute to your self-image meaningfully and effectively. 

Making peace with what you see in the mirror is one of the best feelings. One of the most significant ways to feel better about how you look is to feel better on the inside, prioritize your health, and accept yourself just the way you are. So it’s time to start holistically focusing on yourself – we promise you’ll look as good as you feel!

If you need help hitting your weight loss goals, you need to check our Wellness with Eszter. Click here to learn more about training and coaching programs to help you feel your best self!

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