Today I would like to introduce the 3 necessary components of the fitness classes, that you should include if you are working out on your own at home.
There are health and safety reasons which are very important to consider, so let’s dive into what these 3 components of a fitness class are and why you should always incorporate them.
A fitness class must start with a warm-up which allows you to prepare for the conditioning segment of the workout.
The main scientific and safety reason why a warm-up has to be included because it prepares the body for the more intense movements by
- raising the internal body temperature
- supporting the blood flow and the oxygen for the working muscles
- improving the cardiorespiratory and the neuromuscular efficiency (1.)
These factors are very important for an efficient and safe workout. Not to mention that warm-up reduces the chance of muscle soreness and injury (2.).
A WARM UP should
- be at least 5 to 10 minutes
- always focus on preparing all the major muscle groups
- always increase intensity GRADUALLY
- include exercises that are focusing on the intensity and type of the conditioning part
So the more intensive the conditioning phase is, the more intensive the warm-up should be as well.
To get a great idea of what a proper warm-up before your at-home workout should look like, check out what are the 17 top warm-ups before conditioning.
The conditioning segment is basically the main and the longest part of the workout.
So if you are having a 50-minute session, usually 40 minutes of it is supposed to be the conditioning phase.
As far as the conditioning segment is concerned I have a few important notes that you should always take into consideration:
- increase the intensity gradually
- make sure you incorporate the five primary exercises to include multijoint movements for global body functioning
- involve multiplanar exercises that allow you to perform the movement on all three planes of motion
- pay attention to the four principles of training
- the more intense exercises such as jump squats should be at the beginning of the conditioning part right after the warm-up
- monitor the intensity during the workout by checking your heart rate
The conditioning phase should always include a 5 to 10 minute COOL DOWN at the end. Let’s dive into this part of the workout!
As I referred to it in the conditioning phase you are supposed to end it with a postconditioning cool down part.
This is the final phase of your fitness workout that allows your pre-exercise heart rate and blood pressure to recover (3.).
There are two components of the 5 minute cool down part:
- postconditioning workout at a lower intensity that allows your cardiorespiratory system to recover
- stretching of the major group muscles
Watch the next FitnessBlender video which includes both of the components of the workout in the right order.
If you had a moderate to a vigorous-intensity aerobic workout, the video above should be appropriate for the cool-down segment.
If you want to check out my 5-minute cooldown click here.
So guys these were the usual 3 components of the fitness classes that should always be incorporated for health and safety considerations and for better fitness results.
As an ACE Certified Fitness Professional your health and safety are very important for me, so make sure all the exercises that are introduced in this post are safe for you to do. In case you have any medical problems or recent issues consult your doctor before you perform any exercises that are posted here.
Stay safe and enjoy your workout,
Putting together alone an effective workout might be a challenge especially with a stressful and time-consuming job or business. Click on the image below to register for my free webinar about losing weight with a sedentary job!
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Pingback: 5-MINUTE COOLDOWN & STRETCH to close out YOUR WORKOUT - Wellness with Eszter
Pingback: 5-MINUTE COOL DOWN & STRETCH to close out YOUR WORKOUT - Wellness with Eszter
Pingback: 17 great WARM-UP exercises before the CONDITIONING phase - Wellness with Eszter