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TOP 4 Healthy Dinner Ideas-Healthy and Easy Dinner Recipes

If one of your biggest goals in 2021 is to start living a healthy lifestyle then I do have to tell you that the food you consume as your dinner does matter a lot. First and foremost, if you are in your 30s you lose around 5% of muscle, and staying in shape might be a bit more challenging than in your 20s. With a healthy dinner, you can absolutely control your weight in your 30s or even in your 40s. Today I would like to share with you 4 healthy dinner ideas that could help your health and fitness thrive in 2021.

If you want to know the basics of how to prepare a healthy dinner for fast weight loss click here. If you are done with the basics or if you just want to see my top healthy dinner ideas then stay here.

These recipes are not only healthy but some of them are based on the ideas of the best American restaurants so you definitely should have a great time eating them 🙂

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This lentil soup is number one on my list when it comes to healthy dinner ideas. The reason why I think lentil soup is great is that it provides a sufficient amount of nutrients to you for health and fitness purposes.

First of all, lentils are high in iron, protein, and fiber which are both significant ingredients for a healthy well-balanced diet. 

Vegetables such as carrots, onions, and essential herbs are also important parts of this amazing meal. Last but not least it will help with your daily water intake since it is a soup 🙂

If you eat meat then using sausage will enhance the culinary experience of this meal. 

In the Carabba’s sausage lentil soup this culinary experience could be enhanced since it is made with Italian sausage and with the use of a bit of bacon.

If you’re vegan or vegetarian I recommend using vegan sausage, but other than that this recipe will give you a great idea of how the best restaurants are preparing this soup.


The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends eating at least 1/2 pound of seafood on a weekly basis. The reason is that seafood is a great source of protein and it is high in omega-3 fats, B12 and D vitamins, iron, and other minerals, such as selenium, zinc, and iodine. These ingredients are not only important for weight management but also for healthy skin.

Sweet potato chips are a great source of carbs which you also need for a well-balanced diet, regardless of what some magazines say about the harm of carbs in terms of weight-loss.

Sweet potato is actually a food, you should include in your diet. Most importantly, because it is high in complex carbs, dietary fiber, and also high protein compared to other carb alternatives. 

Finally, you have broccoli which is a great vegetable high in Vitamin C, antioxidants (which you need to protect your cells) and a cup of it only contains 15 calories (1.).


After discussing healthy dinner ideas for meat-eaters, let’s not forget about vegans or people who want to live a plant-based lifestyle.

TOFU is a very important food when it comes to a protein source for vegans and vegetarians!

  • The way to make it yummy is by cooking 2 or 3 relatively thinner slices of them in a pan with coconut oil. 
  • While the tofu is being cooked toast a slice of low-carb wheat-free black bread and when you are ready cut the bread into two parts and place the tofu on one of them.
  • Add a few pieces of tomato, avocado, and a bit of lettuce to the sandwich, and off you go 🙂

This meal is definitely the best option from the 4 healthy dinner recipes for people who are vegan, or vegetarian.


Although the low carb chicken paprikash is number 4 on the list, this is probably number one of the healthy dinner recipes, since I have been preparing this meal on a regular basis for more than a year and loving it. Maybe, because I am from Hungary. But the funny thing is while I was living in Hungary I never made it. 

The reason why I am suggesting this meal is besides bein nutritious it contains a 

  • high level of fiber thanks to such ingredients as bell pepper, Roma tomatoes, onion, and paprika,
  • it is low-carb thanks to the use of chicken thighs and enriched egg noodles.

If you want to learn more how to make this dream come true, then click here.

So these are the four best healthy dinner recipes in my opinion! Good luck making them and enjoy each of  them!

You are what you eat, but the way you prepare it also matters! In order to prepare the above mentioned healthy dinner ideas, you should check out the Abbio Kitchen Cookware, because they not only have good reviews but they also have regular discounts. Furthermore, Abbio not only has Kitchen Cookware but they also share recipes on their blog that you can try as well.



Setting up a healthy eating plan alone can be a challenge sometimes especially with a stressful and time-consuming job or business. Click on the image below to register for my free webinar about losing weight with a sedentary job!

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I am Eszter, ACE Certified Fitness Instructor and Weight Loss Coach for people with challenging work schedules or desk jobs.

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