Last time I was discussing whether carbs make you gain weight. One of the conclusions of that post was to make sure you consume complex carbs instead of simple carbs. Another important note was that fruits are the only type of simple carbs that you should actually consume without any upper intake level. Now that you know that you should be focusing on eating healthy carbs I want to introduce to you my list of healthy carbs with the most health and fitness benefits.
The main types of Macronutrients which are also the best sources of healthy carbs are fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes (beans and peas), and the main reason for that is all of them are high in dietary fiber which is an important element of a healthy diet.
However, today I will specifically focus on fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
According to half of your plate should be covered by vegetables and fruits!
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Keeping an eye on this rule first I would like to share top carb sources in the form of fruits and vegetables.
Bananas are a great source of potassium which is prone to lower blood pressure, prevent bone loss and decreases the chance of developing kidney stones.
Bananas could be a great part of your healthy breakfast wherever you are.
I could easily put orange as the number one on the healthy carbs list, because this food is a treasure of important vitamins, such as
- Vitamin C (very important antioxidant and it prevents getting certain types of infections)
- Vitamin B9 (has a very important role in blood cell formation)
- Vitamin D (promotes bone health) is high in Orange Juice.
A good tactic to follow here is to drink one glass of 100% orange juice as a part of your breakfast or healthy brunch and decorate your plate or lemonade with a few pieces of orange.
My list would be worth only half without mentioning sweet potatoes. This food should be a great part of your plate as a carb with your source of protein.
Not to mention that sweet potatoes are a rich source of
- Vitamin A, which plays a huge role in vision growth and immune function
- Vitamin B5, which promotes metabolism
- and Potassium.
Another great source of Vitamin A is carrot. Vitamin A actually not only promotes vision health and immune function but is also vital for glowing skin.
Your total carbohydrate intake should be between 45 and 65%. A part of this percent should come from fruits and vegetables, however as refers to it another part should come from whole grains.
There are many reasons why consuming whole grains is so important:
- An important source of fiber, which is necessary for a successful weight balance,
- Rich in Vitamins, such as Vitamin B1, B3
- They contain Chromium that enhances the influence of insulin
- And finally, they also include Manganese which is an important element of skeletal development and better sex hormone production.
Quinoa is definitely a super food on this list with a ton of nutrients:
- First of all it is also a great vegan protein source
- Besides Manganese is it also rich in Magnesium
It is a great source of Phosphorus, which promotes bone development.
Since quinoa includes fiber it is a great ingredient in your dinner. There are two popular ways you to consume quinoa when you are trying to get in shape:
- cover 25% of your dinner plate with it
- or to make a risotto from it
The last food on my healthy carbs list will be OATS. Oats have almost similar nutrients as quinoa has, plus it is an amazing source of copper, iron, and zinc which are very important minerals, and were not mentioned before.
Copper supports bone and skin health. Iron helps blood flow and the resistance to stress and disease. Zinc promotes digestion and metabolism.
The best way to include oat in your meal is to prepare a healthy breakfast wherever you are.
I hope you have an idea how to use carbs smart in your diet!
Setting up a healthy eating plan alone can be a challenge sometimes especially with a stressful and time-consuming job or business. Click on the image below to register for my free webinar about losing weight with a sedentary job!
Stay happy and healthy,
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